Athletes have homework, too!
I am constantly being reminded that I am a student-athlete, not just an athlete. School has to come first so that I can remain eligible to compete in my sport. As of August 2016, Division 1 student-athletes must maintain a 2.3 overall GPA to be able to participate in their sport. Contrary to popular belief, there are no academic benefits for student-athletes when it comes to courses. We are required to take the same courses to graduate in a major as any student at the University of Florida is required to successfully complete.
Academic requirements for D1 NCAA athletes
The University of Florida provides awesome supports so that the Gators athletes can be successful inside of the classroom as well as in their sport. Athletes can be given content tutors if needed for a variety of subjects. In addition, strategy tutors can be provided to oversee all courses and assist with time management skills, learning strategies and organization.
Strategy tutor, Sharon Ponitz sees the importance of her job not just as a tutor but as a member of the support system for student-athletes.
“My favorite part of my job is developing relationships with student-athletes. I get great satisfaction from seeing the academic skills of student-athletes improve over time,”Ponitz said. 
This year (2016), the University Athletic Association opened up the Otis Hawkins Center for Academic and Personal Excellence that serves as the center of all academic support for athletes as well as nutrition support staff and mental health care offices. In the Hawkins Center, you will find academic advisors, private study rooms, computer labs, writing and math labs (group tutoring) and other offices of support staff.
Academics and athletics are not the only things that make up the life of a student-athlete. The University of Florida provides many fun extracurricular activity opportunities for athletes. One of the most well-known is the Student-Athlete Advisory committee (SAAC). This is a committee that stretches all across the NCAA and acts as the governing body for student-athletes. Each University in the NCAA has a SAAC committee made up of student-athletes who are passionate about making a difference in the community, assuring that the expectations of student-athletes are met and participating in conferences that allow student-athletes to network as a community.
It is important for athletes to keep in mind that although life can get chaotic, there are supports put in place to help us become balanced, well rounded individuals. The more you take advantage of these supports, the better your college experience will be!

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